Urban Music Studies

Scholars Network

Urban Music Policies Day 2

Hi again,

Here comes a little overview from day 2 of our conference:

Beside the interesting keynote Susana Zapke (Vienna) gave us on ‘The City as Text, The City as Melodic Imaginary Subjectivation’, various panel sessions took place, for example on ‘The (In-)formality of Street Music’ or on ‘Power and Politics’. We also discussed ‘Affected scenes’ and ‘Hip-Hop Archives and New Civic Identities’. As you can see, it has been pretty diverse and everyone got a lot of inspiration for their work!

In the evening, we left the university and went to the music school for a special concert with a local band, Brass Riot, and the trio Ensemble Megaphon from the Global Board. Both acts delivered a powerful and vibrant performance and everybody finally got to relax after this long day.

Our program ended with an artist talk on ‘Music Making and how it is Affected by Place, Moving & Seeking Refuge’ and an open jam session afterwards, which was a great opportunity for everyone to get involved in a more practical approach to music.

Susana Zapke (Vienna): The City as Text, the City as Melodic Imaginary Subjectivation


Sebastian Matthias (Berlin): Groove me – Choreographic Groove and the City


Jhessica Reia (Rio de Janeiro): Street Music, Informality, and the Right to the City A Transnational Perspective


Foyer of Musikschule


Concert with Ensemble Megaphone


Concert with Brass Riot


Artist Talk: Music Making and how it is Affected by Place, Moving & Seeking Refuge









Jam Session